Apple Macintosh Cyrillic Language Kit User Manual
Page 3

Chapter 4 Working in Multiple Languages A-11
Primary and secondary scripts A-12
Choosing a keyboard layout A-12
The Cyrillic Language Kit keyboard layouts A-12
About the Cyrillic transliterated keyboard layouts A-13
The Bulgarian keyboard layout A-13
The Russian keyboard layout A-14
The Ukrainian keyboard layout A-14
The Cyrillic-QWERTY transliterated keyboard layout A-15
The Cyrillique-AZERTY transliterated keyboard layout A-16
The Kyrillisch-QWERTZ transliterated keyboard layout A-17
Transliteration guidelines A-18
The Keyboard control panel A-20
The Cyrillic characters encoding table A-22
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting A-23
About the Cyrillic Language Kit A-1
Installing the Cyrillic Language Kit from the compact disc A-3
Installing the Cyrillic Language Kit from floppy disks A-3
Displaying Cyrillic filenames correctly A-5
Installing SimpleText Bulgarian, Russian, or Ukrainian A-6
Removing the Cyrillic Language Kit from your system A-6
Chapter 3 Choosing a Language for Your
The Cyrillic Language Register program A-9