Apple ColorSync Display User Manual

Page 60

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When you turn on overscan, it stays on even when you change resolutions.

m This is a new feature of the ColorSync Display 20" (19" VIS). In other

ColorSync monitors, overscan automatically turns off when you change
resolution settings.

No colors appear on the screen.

m Check to make sure that the number of colors is set correctly in the Control

Strip or in the Monitors & Sound control panel.

No colors appear when you create a custom white point.

m Make sure the color depth on your monitor is set to “Thousands of Colors”

or “Millions of Colors.” Click the Monitor button in the Monitors & Sound
control panel and reset the color depth, or use the Control Strip to
change settings.

You do not have a CD-ROM disc drive for installing the Apple Displays software.

m You can order a set of floppy disks of the Apple Displays software. See the

service and support information that came with your monitor for more
information. Support information and Apple software updates are also
available via Apple’s World Wide Web sites: and


Tips and Troubleshooting