Apple Mac OS 7.6 User Manual
Page 46

Start up your computer while holding down the Space bar.
Holding down the Space bar opens the Extensions Manager control panel
during startup.
Release the Space bar when the Extensions Manager control panel opens.
Open the Selected Set menu and choose Mac OS 7.6 Base System.
This turns off all extensions and control panels except those installed with
Mac OS 7.6.
Close the Extensions Manager to continue startup.
When the computer is ready, try the same actions that caused the problem.
If the problem no longer occurs, you probably have an extension or control
panel that doesn’t work with Mac OS 7.6. Continue with the steps in the
next section.
If the problem still occurs, try checking your hard disk for problems with the
Disk First Aid utility. You can find Disk First Aid in the Utilities folder on the
Mac OS 7.6 CD or on the Disk Tools floppy disk. You should also check to
make sure that your application programs are compatible with Mac OS 7.6.
If the problem only occurs when using a certain program, that program
is probably not compatible. Check with the program’s manufacturer
for information.
Chapter 3