Apple remote access – Apple Mac OS 7.6 User Manual

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If you use the Apple Internet Connection Kit, it will install a different version
of PPP from the one included with Mac OS 7.6. The version included in the
Connection Kit has a control panel called “MacPPP.” The version included
with Mac OS 7.6 has a control panel called “PPP.” The Apple Internet
Connection Kit Dialer program enters network-setting information for you in
the MacPPP control panel.

You can use either version of PPP at any time. To use Open Transport PPP
with the Apple Internet Connection Kit, however, you need to copy your
settings from the MacPPP control panel to the PPP control panel.

Apple Remote Access

You use Apple Remote Access to connect to another computer using a
modem. Once you’ve connected to that computer, you can use any network
devices connected to it as well. For example, you could connect to your
computer at work, copy a file from it to your computer at home, make
changes to it, and then print the file on your LaserWriter at work. If your
office network is connected to the Internet, you can connect to the Internet
from home by connecting to your office network with ARA.

The Apple Remote Access software included with Mac OS 7.6 is the ARA
client software. You use the client software to connect to other computers.
However, the computer you’re connecting to needs to have ARA server
software installed. Once you’re connected, you then have access to any
computer on the server’s network. You can obtain the server software from
any Apple-authorized dealer.

For help setting up and using ARA software, see the ARA Client Guide,
available in the Guide menu when the Apple Remote Access Client software
is active.


What’s New in Mac OS 7.6