Apple Mac OS 7.6 User Manual

Page 41

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You see a message that the System file cannot be modified.

Cause 1: You have installed virus-protection software that guards against
modification of the System file.

Solution 1: Start up your computer from the Mac OS 7.6 CD-ROM disc or the
Install Mac OS 7.6 Disk 1 floppy disk, as described in “Start Up From the Mac
OS 7.6 Disks” in Chapter 1.

Solution 2: Drag any virus-protection software out of the System Folder and
restart your computer. You can put the virus-protection software back after

Cause 2: Your System Folder may be protected. Or the System and Finder
files may be locked.

Solution 2: To turn off System Folder protection, open the General Controls
panel. Click to remove the X from the Protect System Folder box. To see if
your System file or Finder file is locked, select the file’s icon. Then open the
File menu and choose Get Info. To unlock the file, click the Locked checkbox
to remove the X.

You see a message that the installation was not successful.

Cause: You may have an incompatible item in your System Folder.

Solution 1: Start up your computer using the Mac OS 7.6 CD-ROM disc or the
Install Mac OS 7.6 Disk 1 disk. See “Start Up From the Mac OS 7.6 Disks” in
Chapter 1.

Solution 2: If you have a non-Apple CD-ROM drive and can’t start up from
the CD, try restarting your computer with only those extensions provided with
your version of system software.
m If you are using System 7.5 or later, you can open the Extensions Manager

control panel and choose “System 7.5.x” in the Sets pop-up menu. Then
restart the computer.

m If you are using an earlier version of system software, drag any non-Apple

extensions out of your Extensions folder in the System Folder, then restart
the computer. (If you don’t know where a particular extension came from,
select its icon. Then choose Get Info from the File menu. Apple extensions
all have “


Apple Computer, Inc” in the Version section of the Get Info box.)

