Apple AppleShare 3.0 Users and Groups Programming Interface User Manual

Page 6

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Macintosh File Sharing supports a combined total of 100 users and groups.

Several features supported by the AppleShare File Server 3.0 are not

available under Macintosh File Sharing:

- minimum password length

- password expiration

- maximum failed login attempts

- administrator password

- multiple superusers

- the GetNewPwd user flag

- the Apple2 server flag

- the DontSavePwd server flag

- the primary group flag

When using UGLibrary functions that set these features with a Macintosh File

Sharing users and groups file, you should clear the unused flags; use a value

of 0 for minimum password length, password expiration, and maximum failed

login attempts; and use a zero-length Str8 for the administrator password.

UGLibrary functions

This section describes each of the UGLibrary functions in detail. For each

function, the Pascal and C declarations are shown, the parameter block for

the function is described, the function is described, and all possible

function result codes are listed. The section "Data Structures," later in

this document, defines all parameter blocks used by these functions. The

subsequent section,"Function Summary," specifies the parameter block used by

each function.


FUNCTION UGOpenFile (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;

pascal OSErr UGOpenFile (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async);

Parameter Block 18 ugNamePtr long pointer to filename

22 ugVRefNum word volume specification

24 ugRefNum word file reference number

26 ugDirID long parent directory ID

30 ugAccessID long program access ID

42 ugAdminKey long pointer to



UGOpenFile opens the users and groups file specified in ugNamePtr (a pointer