Apple AppleShare 3.0 Users and Groups Programming Interface User Manual
Page 30

In C:
pascal OSErr UGNewUser (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr UGDeleteUser (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr UGRenameUser (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr UGGetUserInfo (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr UGSetUserInfo (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr UGAuthenticateUser (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async);
Functions that use the UGGroupPB
parameter block
In Pascal:
FUNCTION UGNewGroup (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
FUNCTION UGDeleteGroup (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
FUNCTION UGRenameGroup (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
FUNCTION UGGetGroupInfo (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
FUNCTION UGAssignUserToGroup (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
FUNCTION UGDeleteUserFromGroup (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN):
In C:
pascal OSErr UGNewGroup (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async );
pascal OSErr UGDeleteGroup (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async );
pascal OSErr UGRenameGroup (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async );
pascal OSErr UGGetGroupInfo (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async );
pascal OSErr UGAssignUserToGroup (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr UGDeleteUserFromGroup (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async);
Functions that use the UGServerPB
parameter block
In Pascal:
FUNCTION UGGetULInfo (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
FUNCTION UGSetULInfo (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
In C: