Apple AppleShare 3.0 Users and Groups Programming Interface User Manual
Page 22

60 ugMaxBadLogins word maximum failed login
62 ugPwdExpDate long days before user
passwords expire
UGSetULInfo sets the file server characteristics. ugChngFlags should be set
to ChngSrvrFlags (1) if ugSrvrFlags (an array of two longs, described further
in "Data Structures" later in this document) is to be changed; ChngAdmnKey
(2) if ugAdminKey (a pointer to a Str8) is to be changed; ChngMinPwdLen (4)
if ugMinPwdLen (which must be between 0 and 8 inclusive) is to be changed;
ChngMaxBadLogins (8) if ugMaxBadLogins (which must be between 0 and 100
inclusive) is to be changed; ChngPwdExpDate (16) if ugPwdExpDate (which must
be between 0 and 1000 inclusive) is to be changed; ChngSrvrVersion (32)
if ugSrvrVersion (which must be Sys7SrvrVer (3) or AS3SrvrVer (4)) is to be
changed; or ChngULAll (63) if all of these values are to be changed.
Result Codes
noErr 0 No error.
ugULInfoRecNotCreated 3 There is a problem with the users and
groups file. Delete it and re-create it.
ugBadParamErr 13 async is TRUE, ugAdminKey is larger than
8, ugMinPwdLen is not between 0 and 8
(inclusive), ugMaxBadLogins is not be-
tween 0 and 100 (inclusive),ugPwdExpDate
is not between 0 and 1000 (inclusive),
or ugSrvrVersion is not Sys7SrvrVer (3)
or AS3SrvrVer (4).
ugServerRunning 16 Server is running.
ugAdminRunning 17 Admin is running.
ugNotBtree 18 Users and groups file is not a B-Tree
ugBadUID 21 The ID in ugAccessID is wrong. The users
and groups file may not be open.
ugInvalidPasswd 22 ugSrvrVersion is Sys7SrvrVer (3) and
ugAdminKey is non-nil.
ugFatalError 99 There is a problem with the users and
groups file. Delete it and re-create it.
Data structures
This section describes the bits in the ugUserFlags field of UGUserPB and the
bits in the ugSrvrFlags field of UGServerPB. It also lists the parameter
blocks needed to call the Users and Groups library functions.
Bits in the ugUserFlags field of UGUserPB