Apple AppleShare 3.0 Users and Groups Programming Interface User Manual
Page 4

- UGNewGroup
- UGDeleteGroup
- UGRenameGroup
- UGGetGroupInfo
- UGAssignUserToGroup
- UGDeleteUserFromGroup
The file server
The UGGetULInfo function is used to retrieve six file server attributes: the
file server name, the file server version, the minimum password length, the
maximum number of failed login attempts, the number of days before user
passwords expire, and server flags. The file server name cannot be changed by
means of UGLibrary. The name comes from the 'STR ' resource ID -16413 (the
computer name), located in the System file, and is initialized by the System
7 Sharing Setup control panel or by the AppleShare Admin program. The file
server version is the version number of the users and groups file; a value of
Sys7SrvrVer (3) indicates Macintosh File Sharing and a value of AS3SrvrVer
(4) indicates the AppleShare File Server 3.0. The minimum password length,
the maximum number of failed login attempts, the number of days before user
passwords expire, the server flags, and the server version can all be changed
with the UGSetULInfo function.
Note When your program creates a new users and groups file by using the
UGCreateFile function, the file does not contain a server name. However, when
this file is made the current users and groups file (that is, when the old
users and groups file is dragged out of the Preferences folder, the new file
is moved in, and the computer is restarted), the Macintosh name is
automatically inserted into the file as the server name.
There are five server flags:
Apple2 Set if the server is in Apple II mode. This flag is used
for the AppleShare File Server 3.0 only; it must be clear
for Macintosh File Sharing.
NoGuests Set if guests cannot log on to this server.
IACGuestEnabled Set if IAC is turned on for guest.
IACGlobalEnabled Set if IAC is turned on for this computer.
DontSavePwd Set if the AppleShare workstation should not allow the
user to save his or her password by means of the Chooser.
This flag is available on the AppleShare File Server 3.0
only, it must be clear for Macintosh File Sharing.
The UGSetULInfo function is used to set six file server attributes: the
administrator password, the minimum password length, the maximum number of
failed login attempts, the number of days before user passwords expire, the
server flags, and the server version. All server flags set with UGSetULInfo
are effective as soon as the file server is started, except for
IACGlobalEnabled, which is effective only after the computer is restarted.