Apple AppleShare 3.0 Users and Groups Programming Interface User Manual

Page 23

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User flag number Description

IACEnabled 0 Set if IAC is enabled for this user.

LoginEnabled 8 Set if login is enabled.

SuperUser 9 Set if this user is a superuser. Only

one superuser is allowed under

Macintosh File Sharing: the system

owner (administrator).

NoChangePwd 10 Set if the user cannot change his or

her password from a workstation.

GetNewPwd 12 Set if the server should demand a new

password from the user at the next

login. This flag is available only on

the AppleShare File Server 3.0; it

must be clear for Macintosh File


All other ugUserFlags bits are reserved for the use of Apple Computer. When

your program creates a new user with UGNewUser, the reserved bits should be

cleared. When your program is setting or clearing ugUserFlags bits for an

existing user, the state of the reserved bits must be preserved.

The following figure shows the ugUserFlags bits.

Bits in the ugSrvrFlags field of UGServerPB


Server flag number Description

Apple2 0 Set if server is in Apple II mode.

This flag is used for the AppleShare

File Server 3.0 only; it must be

clear for Macintosh File Sharing.

NoGuests 1 Set if guests cannot log on to this


IACGuestEnabled 4 Set if IAC is turned on for guest.

IACGlobalEnabled 5 Set if IAC is turned on for this


DontSavePwd 0 Set if the AppleShare workstation

should not allow the user to save

his or her password. This flag is

available on the AppleShare File

Server 3.0 only; it must be clear

for Macintosh File Sharing.

All other ugSrvrFlags bits are reserved for the use of Apple Computer. When

your program sets or clears ugSrvrFlags bits for an existing Users & Groups