Apple AppleShare 3.0 Users and Groups Programming Interface User Manual

Page 29

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short ugMaxBadLogins;

long ugPwdExpDate;

typedef struct UGServerPB UGServerPB;

union UGParamBlockRec

UGFilePB ugFilePB;

UGUserPB ugUserPB;

UGGroupPB ugGroupPB;

UGServerPB ugServerPB;

typedef UGParamBlockRec *UserGroupPBPtr;

Function summary

This section provides a list of all functions currently available in the

Users and Groups library. It also specifies the parameter block to be used

with each function.

Functions that use the UGFilePB parameter block

In Pascal:

FUNCTION UGOpenFile (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;

FUNCTION UGCloseFile (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;

FUNCTION UGCreateFile (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;

In C:

pascal OSErr UGOpenFile (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async);

pascal OSErr UGCloseFile (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async);

pascal OSErr UGCreateFile (UserGroupPBPtr thePB, Boolean async);

Functions that use the UGUserPB parameter block

In Pascal:

FUNCTION UGNewUser (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;

FUNCTION UGDeleteUser (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;

FUNCTION UGRenameUser (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;

FUNCTION UGGetUserInfo (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;

FUNCTION UGSetUserInfo (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;

FUNCTION UGAuthenticateUser (thePB: UserGroupPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;