GrimmSpeed Hyundai Phenolic Spacer User Manual
Grimmspeed phenolic spacer, Hyundai genesis 2.0t

GrimmSpeed Phenolic Spacer
Installation Instructions
Hyundai Genesis 2.0T
All GrimmSpeed products are intended for Off-Road use only. Park your vehicle on a level
surface. Fully engage the parking brake and put wheel stops on the front and rear wheels to
keep the vehicle from rolling.
Warning (read before installing):
Before moving forward with the setups outlined below, insure that you have the experience
to properly modify your car. If not, please consult a professional. Without a proper install
you could possibly damage your engine. Under no circumstances is the GrimmSpeed
Phenolic Spacer to be used in any applications where failure of the spacer to operate as
intended could jeopardize the safety of the operator or any other person or property.
If you do not think you can remember where all of the vacuum hoses and wiring
connectors go on your intake manifold, and easy way to remember is to put a piece of tape
on them and write where they go.
The benefits of this upgrade are to keep the superheated engine temps out of your intake
manifold. The cooler the intake manifold and intake air temp is, the higher the power your
vehicle is able to create. Cars like cold intake air! Your car has an aluminum head and an
aluminum intake manifold, in turn the heat from the very hot engine will easily transfer into
the intake manifold. One of the most effective ways to reduce this transfer is to install a
Phenolic Spacer.