BNC 835-3 User Manual User Manual

Page 22

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As soon as a sweep is programmed, the output is disabled while the trigger is expected.
Upon arrival of the trigger the sweep is executed (after given trigger delay). Any trigger
signal arriving during execution of the sweep will be ignored.
If single sweep has been selected, the sweep will be executed only once as soon as first
trigger signal arrives. As soon as the sweep is completed, the frequency will return to the
preset CW frequency.
If repeat sweep is selected, the sweep will be executed every time the trigger signal

arrives. After the sweep is completed, the frequency the RF output is disabled until next
trigger arrives.
With trigger type, the user can select the trigger either to execute only a single point
from the sweep or the complete sweep. When gated is selected the sweep is only
executed while the trigger signal is high.

Figure 14 TRIGGER tab