Nokia E62 User Manual
Page 80

Additional Applications
Proprietary and Confidential – Beta
Use and Disclosure Governed by Good Technology, Inc. NDA
Select the application you want to use.
The application’s form opens. For example, this is a Directory
Lookup application.
In this application, you only need to click a button to obtain a list
from the target web site. In other applications, you may need to
fill in a form by entering text, choosing options from menus, and
selecting check boxes as necessary. Scroll to make sure you see the
entire form.
Do any of the following:
If you want to clear a form, bring up the menu and choose
Reset Form. To cancel a request, choose Cancel.
When you’re ready to submit data, bring up the menu and
choose Submit Query. Alternatively, you can select the button
on the bottom of the form.
To save the settings on a form, choose Set Defaults. The next time
you use the same application, the text you entered previously is
entered automatically in each field.
To save a draft of a form, bring up the menu and choose Save
As Draft. The next time you use the same application, the text
you entered previously is automatically entered in each field.
You can then use the same text or enter new text. The form is
saved with a DRAFT suffix.