Nokia E62 User Manual

Page 78

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Additional Applications


Additional Applications

Proprietary and Confidential – Beta
Use and Disclosure Governed by Good Technology, Inc. NDA

To install a GoodLink Forms application:


Open the Inbox and select the message that contains the
GoodLink Forms application.


Do either of the following:

Select to open and view the message.

Bring up the menu and then choose Open.

The message opens.


Select the Install Application button.

The application downloads and installs on your handheld. While
you’re waiting, you can switch to another application screen if
you want to do other work.

If there is a problem that prevents downloading or installation, an
error message appears. Inform your IT administrator of the
message’s content. (See “Installation Error Messages” on page 80.)

After the application installs successfully, you receive a
confirmation message.


Select OK.

If you install an application that is an update to a previously
installed application, the newer application automatically replaces
the previously installed one.

Note: After a successful installation, the message that contained the

application is automatically deleted from your Inbox and
moved to the Deleted Items folder.

Installation Error Messages

Contact your IT administrator if any of the following errors occur
during downloading or installation:

Application is too large.

The application is larger than the maximum

size of 50 KB. This error occurs before download and prevents the
application from being installed.