Nokia E62 User Manual
Page 70

Additional Applications
Proprietary and Confidential – Beta
Use and Disclosure Governed by Good Technology, Inc. NDA
Shortcut: Select an empty time slot in the Day, Week, or Month
view to open the new appointment screen with the time of the slot
filled in.
Enter appointment information:
Type in a name or subject and location for the meeting.
Select the checkbox for an all-day event.
To enter a date, select a date field. In the window that opens,
select year, month, and then select the starting or ending day to
close the window. Or select Today to make the appointment
for the current day.
To enter a time, select a time field. Set the time by entering the
hour and minutes into the appropriate fields in the window
that opens, or select hour and minutes by selecting the arrows
to increment or decrement them. Then select AM or PM, and
OK. (Not necessary for all-day events.)
Use the drop-downs to specify start and end dates and times
for the appointment. Enter the time by using the numbers on
the handheld.
To invite attendees, select the Invite field and start entering
As you enter characters, a list of contacts appears that match the
letters you have entered.
Select a contact from the list.
You can also enter an email address of an attendee who is not in
your contacts list.
To invite additional people, select the Invite field. Then, choose
Add Invite from the menu. (When you first edit an existing
appointment, an additional, empty Invite: field is provided.)
An additional Invite field appears. Good Messaging automatically
sends meeting requests to all attendees on the list.
To remove a name from the invitation list, select the name, bring
up the menu, and then choose Remove Invite or Clear.