Nokia 770 User Manual

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C o n t e n t s


Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.


For your safety......................... 5

1. Overview ............................ 7

Nokia support on the Web ......... 7

2. Get started ......................... 8

Remove the protective cover..... 8
Insert the battery.......................... 8
Charge the battery ....................... 9
Insert the memory card............... 9
Switch the device on or off ..... 11

3. Your device ...................... 11

Front and top side ...................... 11
Base and right side..................... 12
Touch screen ................................ 13

Task navigator .......................... 13
Application title area ............. 14
Status indicator area.............. 14
Minimize and close buttons.... 15
Application area ...................... 15
Toolbar........................................ 16
Calibrate the touch screen ... 16

Home view .................................... 16
Device control.............................. 17

Stylus .......................................... 17
Hardware keys.......................... 17

Text input methods .................... 18

On-screen keyboard................ 19
Handwriting recognition ....... 20

Volume control ............................ 20
Device lock.................................... 20

Touch screen and key guard .. 21

Memory management ............... 21
Help................................................. 22
Search for information.............. 22

4. Access the Internet ......... 23

Create a new

WLAN connection ..................... 23

Edit an existing

WLAN connection ..................... 24

Create a new

cellular connection................... 25

Bluetooth wireless

technology............................... 25

Pair a phone with

your device .............................. 25

Set up a cellular connection... 26

Connectivity settings................. 28

Disable connections................ 29

5. Web browser .................... 29

Browse the Web.......................... 29
Manage bookmarks .................... 30

6. E-mail ............................... 31

Basic e-mail settings ................. 31
Retrieve and read e-mail.......... 32
Create and send e-mail............. 33
E-mail scheduling....................... 33
Inbox folder .................................. 33
Outbox folder............................... 34
Sent folder .................................... 34
Drafts folder ................................. 34
Own folders .................................. 34

7. Media players

and viewers ...................... 35

Audio player ................................. 35
Internet radio............................... 35
Video player.................................. 36
Images............................................ 36
News reader ................................. 36
PDF reader..................................... 36

8. Control panel ................... 37