Printgroove ::admin, 2 licensing: owner, 3 licensing: manage – Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual
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Printgroove ::Admin
User’s Reference Guide
Rev. 1.4
3.4.2 Licensing: Owner
Using the Licensing > Owner menu option, the Administrator has access to the Owner
information for the
system. The “Owner” is the individual or company that holds the
license for the
server. This information is setup at the time of installation, but can be
modified in the event of the license being transferred to another Owner.
The Serial Number at the top of the form is very important. It must match the serial number found
on the security key, or dongle, shipped with your Printgroove server. If they do not match, your
Printgroove server will be considered NOT LICENSED and will halt all logins except to ::Admin.
If you change any of the information in the fields and realize that it should not have been changed,
click the Reset button to reset the field values to those previously saved. Do not change the serial
number by overtyping the current number. The serial number must be set by the license key.
In case of a new owner, you will download the security key information and send it to your Konica
Minolta Sales Channel. KMBT will update the key file per the licensing and send it back. When you
receive the updated file, you will need to use the manual update steps to update the security key
and license information. Once the update is saved, the server will need to restart to allow the
change to take effect.
3.4.3 Licensing: Manage
Licensing > Manage menu section is for entering additional license information
into the system. The dongle, or security key, holds the current license information which tells
Printgroove what it can and cannot do and what features are installed.
Management of additional licenses is handled in this order:
Place an order for additional license(s) with your Konica Minolta Sales Channel
Download current license key information
Send the downloaded file to your authorized Konica Minolta Sales Channel
Receive the updated key based on the license(s) purchased
Manually update the licensing information on your system