Manual mode control feature – Alliance Laundry Systems UW60P3 User Manual
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Manual Mode Control Feature
Manual control is available only while a
preprogrammed cycle is in progress, and if manual
mode is prompted in the WE-6 programming. With the
exception of motor speeds and the door unlock output,
the WE-6 computer outputs can be operated manually
from the keypad. (In order to assure proper
sequencing, all motor speeds are always controlled by
the computer.)
NOTE: When the manual mode control feature is
activated, the operator must supply on/off
commands for the controllable outputs. If an
output is on, it will remain on until turned off by
the operator or until the assigned time for the
manual mode expires. This can be as long as 9
minutes and 99 seconds.
In normal operation, when the program mode switch is
in the RUN position, only the operations printed in
black on the keys are accessible to the operator.
During the manual mode, normal cycle timing is
suspended. When the manual mode is entered, the
operations printed in red on the keys and mentioned in
the following discussion are activated.
Entering the manual mode during a fill operation is not
recommended. This bypasses the water-level switch
inputs, and the water must be turned off manually by
the operator.
The following procedure must be accomplished within
three seconds in order to enter the manual mode:
1. Press the Manual key.
2. Then press three number keys to assign a time in
minutes and seconds to the manual mode. For
example, press key 2, key 3, and key 0 to enter
the manual mode for 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
3. Then press the Add Step key.
When the computer receives all these inputs within the
three-second time limit, it will enter the manual mode
for the time assigned. The computer display will flash
between “MAN230” (reflecting the time chosen in
Step 2 of the above procedure) and the current cycle
step display for four seconds.
NOTE: If “NO MAN” is prompted and the normal
key sequence for manual mode is entered, the
computer will display only the remaining cycle
After four seconds, the display will flash between
“MANUAL” and the current cycle step display for the
remainder of the assigned time.
Manual mode operation will automatically end when
the assigned time elapses. Normal program timing will
then resume from the same point in the cycle where
the manual mode was entered. To exit the manual
mode and return to normal program timing before the
assigned time elapses, press the Start key.
All water fill and spray rinse valves, supplies, heat (if
the washer-extractor has reached low water level), and
auxiliary outputs can be manually controlled. The heat
output requires that only the Heat key be pressed. All
other outputs require that two keys be pressed. For
example, to turn on the cold fill valve, press the keys
Cold and Fill. When an output is on, pressing the
same key or keys which caused it to energize will turn
it off. Thus, to turn off the cold fill valve, press the
keys Cold and Fill once again.