Vollrath SU444 Water Cooled User Manual

Page 19

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Owner’s Manual #513684


SU444I2 Model Machines


Secure the front door to the machine by placing
the knobs on the studs and tightening until fi nger
tight. Do not overtighten. Proper o-ring seal can
be observed through the transparent front door.


Refer to the following steps for assembling the right
freezing cylinder:


Petrol-Gel sanitary lubricant or equivalent must be
used when lubrication of machine parts is specifi ed.


The United States Department of Agriculture and
the Food and Drug Administration require that lubri-
cants used on food processing equipment be certi-
fi ed for this use. Use lubricants only in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions.


Assemble all o-rings onto parts dry, without
lubrication. Then apply a thin fi lm of sanitary
lubricant to exposed surfaces of the o-rings.


Install the rear seal o-ring. Lubricate the outside
of the rear seal o-ring with sanitary lubricant.


Install the stainless steel rear seal adapter into
the rear seal dry (without lubricant). Lubricate the
inside surface of the rear seal adapter, including
the adapter o-ring, and install it onto the auger
shaft. DO NOT lubricate the outside of the rear
auger seal.


Make sure to install the correct rear seal adapter
onto the auger. The back of the cylinder will leak if
the left side rear seal adapter is installed onto the
right side auger.


Make sure to install the correct rear seal adapter
onto the auger. The front door will not close if the
right side rear seal adapter is installed onto the left
side auger.


Lubricate the hex drive end of the auger with a
small amount of spline lubricant. A small container
of spline lubricant is shipped with the machine.


Screw the springs onto the studs in the plastic
fl ights. The springs must be screwed into the
fl ights completely to provide proper compression.


Install the two plastic fl ights onto the rear of the
auger and insert it part way into the freezing


Install the remaining plastic fl ights, push the auger
into the freezing cylinder and rotate slowly until
the auger engages the drive shaft.


Apply a thin layer of Petrol-Gel to the inside and
outside of the auger support bushing. Install the
bushing onto the auger support and install the
auger support into the front of the auger. Rotate
the auger support so that one leg of the support
points straight up.


Assemble the air bleed valve o-ring onto the air
bleed valve. Position the o-ring into the groove
close to the wide part. Apply a thin fi lm of sanitary
lubricant to the o-ring.


Insert the air bleed valve into the back of the front
door. Install the compression spring onto the air
bleed valve then screw the knob on fi nger tight.


Apply a thin layer of sanitary lubricant to the
o-rings on the spigot body and install the spigot
body through the bottom of the front door.


Place the front door assembly on the mounting
studs and the push front door against the machine

Figure 3-6 Right Auger and Door

Figure 3-5 Left Auger and Door

This manual is related to the following products: