Pfannenberg PAI User Manual
Page 12

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nominal values indicated on the ID plate of the air/air heat
The installation of the power cable is not subject to any special
The air/air heat exchanger may be damaged if the voltage is too
Refers to air/air heat exchanger for nominal voltage 115V or
9 Operating Conditions
Voltage must be within ± 10 % of the value indicated.
Frequency must be within ± 3 Hz of the value indicated.
Ambient temperature must be below 55 °C (for options see
Use the unit such that the cooling capacity suits the actual
Use genuine spare parts only.
10 Putting into operation and function
10.1 General remarks
The air/air heat exchanger is provided with a temperature control
system. The switch cabinet internal air temperature is measured
by thermostats. Different switch cabinet temperatures as well as
upper limit temperatures can be set (see accompanying
sheet also).Exceeding the limit temperature generates an alarm.
Warning: Ambient conditions and temperature in the
switch cabinet must be in accordance with the values
indicated in the supplement.
10.2 Centralised fault indication
The signaling of a fault in the air/air heat exchanger is effected
by the closing of a potential-free contact (see Sections 13).
10.3 Setting possibilities
By means of the thermostats, various switch cabinet temperatures
as well as alarm temperatures can be set. (see accompanying
supplement sheet also)
The air to air heat exchanger control system includes a
mechanical thermostat that sets the target control
temperature inside the switch cabinet.
The air to air heat exchanger control system also includes a
second mechanical thermostat that is used as high
temperature alarm device. This device generates alarm by
closing potential –free contact.
Thermostat Setting
1) Cabinet control temperature
With the help of a screw driver, rotate the “stem” to the intended
target setting point. The setting point of this control temperature
may only be 5℃ lower than the alarm temperature. 10℃ is
2) Alarm temperature
Using a screw driver, rotate the stem of the alarm mechanical
thermostat to the intended alarm setting point. The setting point on
the alarm thermostat may not be less than 5℃ higher than the
control setting point. 10℃ is suggested.
CAUTION: Changes to the thermostat set of the air/air
heat exchanger in the works may be made only by
authorised persons!
CAUTION: Control temperature may not be less than
maximum ambient temperature surrounding the switch
11 Cleaning and Maintenance
Isolate the air/air heat exchanger from the mains before carrying
out any cleaning or maintenance operations.
11.1 Cleaning
The cleaning intervals depend upon the relevant operating
conditions. In particular observe the following instructions.
Clean the heat exchanger regularly.
Clean filter screen (If there is)
Clean the heat exchanger using a soft brush or pressurized air.
Proceed as follows:
1) Disconnect the air/air heat exchanger from the power supply.
2) Remove external cover.
3) Clean filter screen.
4) Clean heat exchangers.
Protect the electric components against leakage.
:Damage to heat exchanger
Do not use any pointed or sharp-edged
:Damage to electric connections on the
covering hood
If the covering hood is removed, the electric plug-in
connections on the inside must be removed by hand.
During fitting do not forget to plug-in!
. If the units are provided with a front filter clean the filter mat
regularly. The cleaning intervals or the intervals for replacement of
the filter mat mainly depend upon ambient conditions (air
. You can rinse the filter mat using water heated to 40 °C and