MSI NF750-G55 User Manual

Page 95

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Usng the Define a New Array Wndow

If necessary, press the tab key to move from field to field untl the approprate field s


Selectng the RAID Mode

By default, ths s set to [Mrrorng]. To change to a dfferent RAID mode, press the

down arrow key untl the mode that you want appears n the RAID Mode box- ether

[Mrrorng], [Strpe], [RAID5], [Spannng], or [Strpe Mrrorng].

Selectng the Strpng Block Sze

Strpng Block sze s gven n klobytes, and affects how data s arranged on the dsk.

It s recommended to leave ths value at the default [Optmal], whch s 32KB, but the

values can be between [4 KB] and [128 KB].

Assgnng the Dsks

Any dsks n your system that are not part of a RAID array appear n the Free Dsks

block. These are the drves that are avalable for use as RAID array dsks.

To desgnate a free dsk to be used as a RAID array dsk,

Tab to the Free Dsks secton. The first dsk n the lst s selected.
Move t from the Free Dsks block to the Array Dsks block by pressng the rght ar-

row key (→). The first dsk n the lst s moved, and the next dsk n the lst s selected

and ready to be moved.
Contnue pressng the rght-arrow key (→) untl all the dsks that you want to use as

RAID array dsks appear n the Array Dsks block.

It shows that two dsks have been assgned as RAID1 array dsks n the figure above.

