Remove a spare, Mgrate an array, Important – MSI NF750-G55 User Manual
Page 104

Remove a Spare
The Remove spare opton appears only f you have a a RAID array wth a spare dsk
allocated to t.
Clck Remove spare to start the Remove Spare Wzard and then follow the nstruc-
You can press F1 to access the onlne help that walks you through the Wzard wth
step-by-step nstructons.
Mgrate an Array
In a tradtonal RAID envronment, when a user wants to change the current state of a
dsk or a current array to a new RAID configuraton, the process of reconfigurng the
new array nvolves multple steps. The user must back up the data, delete the array,
re-boot the PC, and then reconfigure the new array.
MedaSheld RAID allows the end user to change the current state of the dsk or array to
another wth a one-step process called “Mgratng”. Ths secton descrbes the NVIDIA
Mgratng process and explans how to use Mgratng to convert from one RAID array
type to another.
General Mgratng Requrements
The new array capacty must be equal to or greater than the prevous array.
For example, t s possble to mgrate from a RAID 1 array to a RAID 0 array as long
as the RAID 0 array s the same sze as (or larger than) the RAID 1 array.
The number of dsks n the new array cannot be less than the number of dsks n
the orgnal array.
You cannot mgrate
- To or from a JBOD (Spannng) array
- From RAID 1 to RAID 1
- From RAID 0+1 to RAID 1
- From RAID 5 to 1
Mgratng to an Array Larger Than 2 TB
Your dsks must be parttoned usng the GUID partton table (GPT) f you plan to m-
grate to an array wth greater than 2 TB storage.
If your orgnal array s not a GPT dsk and you expand your array’s capacty usng the
mgraton feature to over 2 TB, you wll not be able to access the addtonal storage
above 2 TB n the new array. To use the addtonal storage n ths stuaton, back up your
data, repartton the array usng GPT, then restore your data to the new volume.
Be sure to make the volume dynamc f you plan to have more than four parttons.