Raid configuration, Raid c, Basc configuraton instructons – MSI NF750-G55 User Manual
Page 93: Settng up the nvraid bios

raid c
Basc Configuraton Instructons
The followng are the basc steps for configurng NVRAID:
Non-Bootable RAID Array
Choose the hard dsks that are to be RAID enabled n the system BIOS. (Refer the
BIOS secton for detals.)
Specfy the RAID level, ether Mrrorng (RAID 1), Strpng (RAID 0), Strpng and
Mrrorng (RAID 0+1), RAID 5 or JBOD and create the desred RAID array.
Enter the Wndows OS, run the Wndows nForce Setup applcaton and nstall the
RAID software. (Check p.B-8 for detals.)
Intalze the NVRAID Array Dsks.
Bootable RAID Array
1. Choose the hard dsks that are to be RAID enabled n the system BIOS.(Refer the
bos secton for detals.)
2. Specfy the RAID level, ether Mrrorng (RAID 1), Strpng (RAID 0), Strpng and
Mrrorng (RAID 0+1), RAID 5 or JBOD and create the desred RAID array.
3. Boot from the Wndows CD, use the floppy dsk that has the RAID drver to copy
and nstall the nForce RAID software. (Check p.B-7 for detals.)
4. Intalze the NVRAID Array Dsks.
Settng Up the NVRAID BIOS
Be sure to enable the RAID functon n BIOS before configurng the NVRAID BIOS. After
that press F10 to save the configuraton and ext. The PC wll reboot rght away. Then
enter the RAID BIOS Setup by pressng F10 when prompted, and follow the procedures
descrbed below to set up the NVRAID BIOS.
NVRAID BIOS setup lets you choose the RAID array type and whch hard drves you
want to make part of the array.
Enterng the RAID BIOS Setup
After rebootng your PC, wat untl you
see the RAID software promptng you
to press F10. The RAID prompt ap-
pears as part of the system POST and
boot process pror to loadng the OS.
Press F10, and the press N, the NVIDIA
RAID Utlty Define a New Array wndow
wll appear. The default RAID Mode s
set to Mrrorng and Strpe Block s set
to Optmal.