Desgnate a spare dsk – MSI NF750-G55 User Manual
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Desgnate a Spare Dsk
About Spare Dsks
You can desgnate a hard drve to be used as a spare drve for a RAID 1, RAID 0+1 or
RAID 5 array. The spare drve can take over for a faled dsk. MedaSheld RAID
supports two types of spare drves:
Free Dsk
A free dsk s a dsk that s not part of any RAID array, but can be used by any aval-
able RAID 1, RAID 0+1, or RAID 5 array that requres another dsk when one of ts
dsks crashes or becomes unusable. The process s automatc and requres no user
Example: A system may have four hard dsks where one dsk s used to boot the
OS, two hard drves are set up n a mrrored array, and a fourth hard dsk s set up
as a free dsk. If one of the mrrored array drves fals, the free dsk wll be assgned
automatcally to the mrrored array to replace the faled dsk.
Dedcated Dsk
A dedcated free dsk s a dsk that s assgned to a RAID 1, RAID 0+1, or RAID 5 ar-
ray. The dedcated dsk s used by that array only when needed ‐ for example, durng
a system crash where a RAID mrrored drve s broken. The dedcated dsk can be
used only by the array that t s assgned to and not by any other array, unlke a free
dsk whch can be used by any avalable RAID 1, RAID 0+1, or RAID 5 array.
To mark a dsk as dedcated (reserve t for use by a specfic array), you must have at
least one free dsk and you must also have at least two RAID 1, RAID 0+1, or RAID
5 arrays created.
Requrements for Desgnatng a Spare Dsk
The Desgnate Spare opton on the Storage page appears only f all the followng
condtons are met.
There must be at least two fault tolerant arrays already created.
There must be at least one free dsk wth capacty equal to or greater than the smallest
dsk n the gven fault tolerant array.
For example, f a mrror array s created wth dsk capactes of 40 GB and 80 GB,
there should be at least one free dsk avalable of capacty equal to or greater than
40GB to be used as a spare dsk for that array.
Clck Desgnate spare to start the Desgnate Spare Wzard and then follow nstruc-
You can press F1 to access the onlne help that walks you through the Wzard wth
step-by-step nstructons.