MSI NF750-G55 User Manual

Page 50

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BIOS Setup


BIOS Setup


MPS Table Verson

Ths field allows you to select whch MPS (Mult-Processor Specficaton) verson to be

used for the operatng system. You need to select the MPS verson supported by your

operatng system. To find out whch verson to use, consult the vendor of your operatng


Prmary Graphc’s Adapter

Ths settng specfies whch graphc card s your prmary graphcs adapter.

PCI Latency Tmer

Ths tem controls how long each PCI devce can hold the bus before another takes

over. When set to hgher values, every PCI devce can conduct transactons for a longer

tme and thus mprove the effectve PCI bandwdth. For better PCI performance, you

should set the tem to hgher values.

CPU Feature

Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears:

C1E Support

To enable ths tem to red the CPU power consumpton whle dle. Not all porcessors

support Enhanced Halt tate (C1E).

SVM Support

Ths tem s used to enable/ dsable SVM.

Chpset Feature

Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears:


The HPET (Hgh Precson Event Tmers) s a component that s part of the chpset.

You can to enable t, and wll provde you wth the means to get to t va the varous

ACPI methods.

Hybrd SLI Support

Ths tem s used to enable/ dsable the Hybrd SLI feature.

On-Chp VGA

Ths settng allows you to enable or dsable the on-chp VGA functon.

VGA Share Memory Auto

Ths settng controls the exact memory sze shared to the VGA card.