Important – MSI NF750-G55 User Manual

Page 66

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BIOS Setup


BIOS Setup



Faled Overclockng Resoluton

Ths motherboard supports overclockng greatly. However, please make sure your

perpherals and components are bearable for some specal settngs. Any operaton that

exceeds product specficaton s not recommended. Any rsk or damge resultng from

mproper operaton wll not be under our product warranty.
Two ways to save your system from faled overclockng...

Press the Power button to reboot the system three tmes. Please note that, to avod

electrc current to affect other devces or components, we suggest an nterval of more

than 10 seconds among the reboot actons.

At the fourth reboot, BIOS wll determne that the prevous overclockng s faled and

restore the default settngs automatcally. Please press any key to boot the system

normally when the followng message appears on screen.

Warnng !!! The prevous overclockng had faled,

and system wll restore ts defaults settng,

Press any key to contnue.......

Clear CMOS
Please refer to “Chapter 2” for more nformaton about how to clear CMOS data.