Important – MSI NF750-G55 User Manual

Page 47

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BIOS Setup



BIOS Setup


IDE Prmary Master/ Slave, AHCI Port 1~5 (SATA1~4) & E-SATA

Press to enter the sub-menu, and the followng screen appears.

Devce / Vendor / Sze

It wll show the devce nformaton that you connected to the SATA connector.

LBA/Large Mode

Ths allows you to enable or dsable the LBA Mode. Settng to Auto enables LBA

mode f the devce supports t and the devces s not already formatted wth LBA

mode dsabled.

DMA Mode

Select DMA Mode.

Hard Dsk S.M.A.R.T.

Ths allows you to actvate the S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Montorng Analyss & Reportng

Technology) capablty for the hard dsks. S.M.A.R.T s a utlty that montors your

dsk status to predct hard dsk falure. Ths gves you an opportunty to move data

from a hard dsk that s gong to fal to a safe place before the hard dsk becomes



IDE Prmary Master/ Slave, SATA 1~4 are appearng when you connect the HD de-

vces to the IDE/ SATA connectors on the manboard. AHCI Port1~5 and E-SATA

wll appear after you adjust the opton to [AHCI Mode] n Integrated Perpherals →

On-Chp ATA Devce → RAID Mode.
SATA5 and E-SATA port only can use wth ACHI mode and RAID mode.

Floppy Drve A

Ths tem allows you to set the type of floppy drves nstalled.