MSI NF750-G55 User Manual
Page 63

BIOS Setup
BIOS Setup
Ths consttutes the mnmum number of clock cycles that must occur between the
last vald wrte operaton and the next read command to the same nternal bank of
the DDR devce.
When the DRAM Tmng Mode sets to [DCT 0], [DCT1] or [Both], these fields are
adjustable. These settngs determne the tme RFC take to read from and wrte to
memory cells.
1T/2T Memory Tmng
When the DRAM Tmng Mode sets to [DCT 0], [DCT1] or [Both], the field s adjust-
able. Ths field controls the SDRAM command rate. Selectng [1T] makes SDRAM
sgnal controller to run at 1T (T=clock cycles) rate. Selectng [2T] makes SDRAM
sgnal controller run at 2T rate.
DCT Unganged Mode
Ths feature s used to Integrate two 64-bt DCTs nto a 128-bt nterface.
Ths tem allows you to select the rato of FSB/ DRAM.
Adjusted DRAM Frequency (MHz)
It shows the adjusted Memory frequency. Read-only.
Adjust PCI-E Frequency (MHz)
Ths field allows you to select the PCIE frequency (n MHz).
Auto Dsable DIMM/PCI Frequency
When set to [Enabled], the system wll remove (turn off) clocks from empty DRAM/ PCI
slots to mnmze the electromagnetc nterference (EMI).
HT Lnk Speed
Ths tem allows you to set the Hyper-Transport Lnk speed. Settng to [Auto], the sys-
tem wll detect the HT lnk speed automatcally.
HT Lnk Wdth
These tems allow you to set the Hyper-Transport Lnk wdth. Settng to [Auto], the sys-
tem wll detect the HT lnk wdth automatcally.
CPU VDD Voltage (V)/ CPU-NB VDD Voltage (V)/ CPU Voltage (V)/ CPU-NB Voltage
(V)/ NB Voltage (V)/ DRAM Voltage (V)/ HT Lnk Voltage (V)
These tems are used to adjust the voltage of CPU, Memory and chpset.
Spread Spectrum
When the manboard’s clock generator pulses, the extreme values (spkes) of the pulses
create EMI (Electromagnetc Interference). The Spread Spectrum functon reduces the
EMI generated by modulatng the pulses so that the spkes of the pulses are reduced
to flatter curves. If you do not have any EMI problem, leave the settng at Dsabled for
optmal system stablty and performance. But f you are plagued by EMI, set to Enabled
for EMI reducton. Remember to dsable Spread Spectrum f you are overclockng
because even a slght jtter can ntroduce a temporary boost n clock speed whch may
just cause your overclocked processor to lock up.