FMI ICST-01 User Manual
Page 7

IN-ICST-01-07 7
5. Programs and Programming
The “ICST” driver board is fully programmable and is designed to drive a low power stepper
motor through a pre-configured profile while exercising discrete outputs and responding to inputs
as necessary. The SCL (“Simplified Control Logic”) is a set of commands that allow stepper motor
position and timing control to be preset into a non-volatile memory. Board retains program in
memory after the board is powered down. Reapply power to the board and start the program.
Restart is usually through dedicated input. Note: If power is removed during a single revolution, a
partial revolution must be made to return to start “HOME” position. Fluid Metering Inc. can supply
custom programs for the driver to fit most expected conditions. More information about the
programming is available in the “PROGRAMMERS MANUAL” supplied on the CD in PDF format.
File names for the programs may not have more than eight (8) characters before the .SCL
The FMI “ICST-01” comes with ”ICST-PLE” Windows® multi-platform loading and editing
program CD, and programming adapter. Included are 4 general use programs to help you get
started. These programs are basic yet offer quick solutions to many simple dispensing/pump
application. These basic programs while fixed do offer some mods and tweaking functions.
A look at the basic programs:
900000 Test program to check board functions.
900000_1 Continuous in either direction at 300, 400, 450 or 500 spm
Purge and or Back flush at 500 spm
Single dispense with or without Suckback
Stall detect
900000_2 Dispensing – single or Multiple (continuous) by count
1 shot or multiple (2 to 6000)
Purge or Back flush at 500 spm
900000_3 Dispensing 1,2 or 4 Dispenses / switch closure at 240 or 300 spm
Purge and or Back flush at 500 spm
1 shot aspirate
900000_4 Dispensing with output signal / Revolution
1,2 or 4 Dispenses / switch closure at 240 or 300 spm
Purge and or Back flush at 500 spm
1 shot aspirate
5.1 Program Installation
The “ICST-PLE” CD is setup to auto start. If your cdrom is not setup to auto start go to START
then RUN, Browse to the cdrom the CD is in click on setup then click open, click on OK to start
setup. Follow the on screen instructions. If the install did not place an icon on the desktop, go to
start menu, go to run, browse to Program Files/FirstStep/FirstStep.exe, click open then ok.
For specifications and attachment of the serial communications program adapter; FMI P/N
200277 refer to page 13.
Note: If for any reason the program becomes corrupt or non functional insert the CD, if the CD
auto starts say no to the installation, go to RUN browse to the disk and click on uninstall to
remove the program. After the program is removed browse to the setup and reinstall. CAUTION,
if you modified or are using a custom program you should move the files to another folder, the
uninstall will delete all the information in the current folder.