FMI ICST-01 User Manual

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IN-ICST-01-07 3

1. System Safety

CAUTION : To prevent power surge and damage to the board, apply and remove power by

the AC source of the power supply. DO NOT PLUG AND UNPLUG AT THE

CAUTION : To insure proper operation of the board be sure all wiring and connections are

correct and secure.

CAUTION : Keep fluids away from the electronics.

CAUTION : To prevent heat buildup in the motor, current to the motor should be reduced to

holding current or turned off between cycles.

2. System Description

The “ICST” is a programmable step motor control intended for use with FMI step motor
equipped pumps and dispensers. Using a computer programming adapter and exclusive ICST-
PLE (program loader and editor) CD for Windows®, the operator can program the pump /
dispenser protocol that fits his application.

2.1 Functions

Fluid Metering Inc. can supply custom programs for the driver to fit most expected conditions.
Listed are a few of the functions of the driver boards programming.

Run: Clockwise or counter clockwise at fixed rate or through a profile table. The motor can be
accelerated and decelerated through a variable number of steps.

Stop: Stop can be programmed to actuate on either the leading or the trailing edge of the pumps
rotational flag. The stop can be also set to go any number of steps past the trip point. For
example if the program is set to stop on the trailing edge of the flag, going clockwise this would
stop the pump ½ way into the discharge stroke, the program can be instructed to go 100 steps
past the flag sense and stop at the bottom of the discharge stroke; without interrupting the
rotation. FMI standard (best) stop point is ½ way into the inlet stroke

Flow control: Program flow control includes the following; call, if, else, loop, goto, set, clear,
waitfor, repeat, run, halt, stop.

2.2 Features

Designed for maximum performance when mated to FMI 23 and 17 frame 1.8º step motors.

Most FMI step motor pumps come standard with a sensor and rotational flag that is aligned to the
pump piston. The rotational flag sensor outputs motor and or piston position to the driver.

All external connections to the driver board are via standard Waldom/Molex straight headers,
except the power input witch is a standard modular DC center positive receptacle. Development
kit has connections via barrier terminal blocks, except power input.

MOTOR OUTPUT POWER: Has three states, full power (1 Amp/Phase), low power (300
ma/Phase), or off. Power settings can be programmed to any state at any time. Ratings are ±