FMI ICST-01 User Manual

Page 13

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IN-ICST-01-07 13

6. Specifications


Input Voltage: 24 VDC at 2 Amps Min. ( J6 Power Jack Center Positive)
Mating Power Plug: 5.54mm OD 2.54mm ID 9.53mm Long
Output current: 1 Amp/Phase Max.
Stroke Rate: 500 RPM Max
. Drive mode is bi-polar for 2 phase stepping motors and is half stepped.
Duty Cycle: Intermittent and Continuous Duty.
Storage: -40º c to +125º c.
Operational: +20º c to +60º c.

Circuit Board: Dimension: 3” [76,2 mm} X 3.75” [95,3 mm] X 1” [25,4 mm]
Mounting: 4 Holes: Ø 0.18 [4,57 mm]
2.50” [63,5 mm] X 3.13” [79,4] Pattern


100mhz Pentium or better
Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000

VGA monitor or better
10 megabytes of available disk space

8 megabytes of RAM
CD ROM drive
1 RS232 communications port: Standard 9 pin “D”


RS232-C specification
9600 Baud
1 stop bit
No parity
1 Serial communications adapter cable, FMI P/N 200277

Ribbon cable orientation: Looking at the adapter so that the two LED’s are facing up the red wire
of the ribbon cable on the connector goes to pin 1 (indicated by arrow on the adapters’ mating
connector, the arrow is just outside of being in line with the LED).

Adapter cable attaches to J4 on the driver board. Red wire of the ribbon cable on the connector

goes to Pin 1 of J4; see page 12 for view of J4.

To verify port settings in “Windows” enable a session of “Terminal” or “Hyper-terminal”. Set the
communications settings to Parity-None, Flow control-none, Baud-9600, Data bits-8, Stop bits-1.
Select the appropriate COM port. With the terminal window selected, press the enter key and
verify that one of the LED’s on the programming adapter flashes. This indicates proper
connection and selection of the COM port.

NOTE: The program is by default setup to look for serial COM 1 if you do not have that COM port
available the port can be changed by clicking on the VIEW pull down and click on
Communications. Set the COM port to be used close the window and the program restart the