Advance program screen, Debug/simulation screen – FMI ICST-01 User Manual

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IN-ICST-01-07 11

Advance Program Screen:

DEBUG/Simulation screen:

The next step is to just push the buttons to see what happens. If the program stops running close it
and reopen it. The worst case is to crash the program, in this case use the CD and say no to the load
program prompt. Run the uninstall from the CD to remove the program from the drive and reinstall it.

This screen by default opens with Project
Description, Program List and Program
Controls. Program List and Program controls
can be closed by clicking on the “X” button.

Use the mouse pointer to check the definitions
of the icons each has a pop up definition.

Two icons of note are the check and the bug.

The check icon: Checks the program for errors.

The bug icon: This brings up the Simulator/
Debugger screen. SEE THE NEXT SCREEN.

Open the Project Code screen by clicking
on the icon.

When using the step command the
program will highlite each command as it
steps through the program.

This is not a real time display. The
debugger is running in the computer
program not in the drivers on board chip.

When running the debugger This array shows the I/O’s
in step mode this bar will and the inputs as well as
advance through the timer the relays as they change
if a WAIT is in the program. States.
Click on this at a WAIT state
to go to the next line of code.