FMI ICST-01 User Manual

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IN-ICST-01-07 4

23 Frame Stepper (STRH).
FMI P/N 300615 (8 lead)
Used with FMI cable assembly
P/N 110711
Pin 1 ORANGE wire is A bar Phase.
Pin 2 & 5 WHITE/BLACK &
WHITE/ORANGE terminated pair.
Pin 3 YELLOW wire is B bar Phase.
Pin 4 & 7 WHITE/RED &
WHITE/YELLOW terminated pair.
Pin 6 BLACK wire is A Phase.
Pin 8 RED wire is B Phase.

17 Frame Stepper


FMI P/N 110745 (6lead)
Pin 3 RED wire is A Phase
Pin 2 BLACK wire is A bar Phase
Pin 4 BLUE wire is B Phase
Pin 5 WHITE wire is B bar Phase
Pin 1 YELLOW wire is not used
Pin 6 ORANGE wire is not used

23 Frame Stepper.

FMI P/N 110746 (8lead)
Pin 6 RED wire is A Phase
Pin 1 YELLOW wire is A bar
Pin 8 GREEN wire is B Phase
Pin 3 BLUE wire is B bar Phase
Pins 2 & 5 BLACK & WHITE
terminated pair.
Pins 4 & 7 ORANGE & BROWN
terminated pair.

ACCESSORY OUTPUTS: Two dedicated power level outputs rated at supply voltage (24VDC)
and 150 milliamps each are available to drive external solenoids or relays.

TTL LEVEL INPUTS: Two dedicated TTL compatible high impedance, single ended, non-
isolated, ground referenced, 5V inputs are provided. One is for Fluid Metering Inc. 5-wire optical
sensor. The other is high speed input capable recognizing an input pulse with a duration as little
as 4 Microseconds.

TTL LEVEL CONTROL: Seven TTL compatible I/O lines are available. These lines are current
limited to 5 milliamps each. All I/O lines are fully programmable.

3. System Installation

CAUTION : To insure proper operation of the board be sure all wiring and connections are

correct and secure.

The “ICST” is a bi-polar driver only, set up to work half stepping only. For a standard FMI 1.8º
stepping motor, this equals 400 steps per revolution. Speed and rotational calculations need to be
made from the 400 steps per revolution.
Stepping motors are made with different numbers of leads, there are 4, 6 and 8 lead motors. The
23 frame motor used on our general product line is an (8) eight lead motor. This motor, for the
best performance, works most efficiently when wired bipolar–series. The 17 frame motor is a (6)
six lead, and works most efficiently when wired half coil.

See Section 4, P/N ICST-01 or P/N ICST-01 OEM for the correct wiring, phase relationship, of the
motor to the driver. Motors shown are standard FMI pump drive motors.

For other motor wiring contact Fluid Metering.

FMI Sensor (STD. Optical Sensor) P/N 110569

This is a 5 lead inverted open collector output sensor. Signal goes high when the light source is
blocked. The pull-up and load resistors are built into the driver, so that the sensor can be directly
wired to the driver board.

RED wire is + V for the Ired LED.
BLACK wire is the ground for the Ired LED.
WHITE wire is the + V for the output.
GREEN wire is the ground for the output.
BLUE wire is the inverted open collector output to the controller.