Acquisition, 8 connecting the eval board to pc, Cdb5451a – Cirrus Logic CDB5451A User Manual
Page 9

9 Acquisition
Referring to Figure 3, the CS5451A’s SCLK line is
used to clock the 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift-
register (U7) which accepts the serial data on SDO
and shifts it into the 8 output bits QA-QG. The
SCLK signal is also fed into the up/down counter
U6 and after every 8 SCLKs, the “QC” pin of U6 will
latch the QA-QG output bits of U6 into the 8-bit D-
Flip-Flop (U3). While this is happening, the soft-
ware monitors the “BUSY” signal (from the “QD”
pin of U6). BUSY is the critical handshake signal.
A rising
or falling transition on BUSY indicates to
the software that it is now time to collect another
byte of data from the latched output on U3.
After sixteen SCLKs, the PC software has acquired
two bytes (16 bits) which represents one data sam-
ple. The 4-bit up/down counter (U6) will roll over
after every 16 SCLKs. (Note that U6 is cleared by
the CS5451A’s FSO signal at the beginning of
each frame, which insures that the counter begins
the frame in the correct state--cleared). This se-
quence, which lasts for 16 SCLKs, is performed a
total of six times in order to obtain the six 16-bit
words from the CS5451A.
After the last 16-bit word is acquired, the software
recognizes that the end of a data frame has been
reached, and it will continue to wait for the next
transition on the “BUSY” line. This will not occur
until the first 8 SCLKs of the next frame are sent
from the CS5451A. Various other signals in Figure
3 (STRB, FEED, ACK, etc.) are not used during
data capture and are only used for testing (internal
use only).
2.3.8 Connecting the Eval Board to PC
The CDB5451A connects to the user’s IBM-com-
patible PC with the included 25-pin parallel port ca-
The user should not connect this cable
between the CDB5451A and the parallel port on
the PC until all of the header options in Table 2
have been set to appropriate settings and the
user has applied power to the CDB5451A. The
parallel cable attached to the CDB5451A Evalua-
tion Board at J17. After connecting the parallel
port cable between the PC and CDB5451A, the
user should always actuate (press down on) the
” switch (S1) at least one time before per-
forming any other evaluation activities.