RMS Technologies R325 DRIVER W/PDT User Manual
Page 11

RMS Technologies
Page 11
Version 1.20
R325IE Single Axis Controller/Driver Manual
Connecting the Power
The R325IE requires a supply voltage between 15-48 VDC. First, connect the
positive end of the power supply to positive terminal (Pin 12), and then connect the
negative of the power supply to the Ground (Pin 11) on the R325IE.
Be careful not to reverse the polarity from the power supply
to the driver. Reversing the connection will destroy your driver and void
the warranty.
HyperTerminal Configuration
Configure HyperTerminal to properly communicate with the R325IE.
Please follow these steps to properly set up HyperTerminal:
1. Open a terminal from your PC by following these steps: Start Menu Æ
Programs Æ Accessories Æ Communications Æ HyperTerminal
2. Assign a name for your New Connection, “Click Ok”
3. Under “Connect using”, select the COM connection that corresponds to your
PC serial port (i.e. COM 1, COM 2, etc.) then click “OK”
4. Set your Port Settings to:
Bits per second: 57600
Data bits: 8
Stop bits:
Flow control:
5. Turn on local echo by going to: File Æ Properties Æ Settings tab Æ ASCII
Setup: Check the boxes for “Send line ends with line feeds” and “Echo Typed
Characters Locally.” These options will be useful when typing commands in
HyperTerminal. Click ‘OK”, Click “OK”
6. HyperTerminal is ready to send commands
The line turnaround from transmit to receive must be less than one character
interval (191 µS).
The command syntax is as follows:
The reply syntax is:
Note: Not all commands will return a value.
Setting the Run Current (RI) to 1500mA (1.5A)
//Sent Command
//Received Reply