12 thermal throttling options, 13 load fail-safe defaults, 14 load optimized defaults – AMD Socket AM2+ Quad Core Processor 790GX User Manual

Page 42: 15 password settings

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This field let’s you insert a timing delay between the CAS and RAS strobe signals, used when
DRAM is written to, read from, or refreshed. Fast gives faster performance; and Slow gives
more stable performance. This field applies only when synchronous DRAM is installed in
the system.
Row Precharge Time
If an insufficient number of cycles is allowed for the RAS to accumulate its charge before
DRAM refresh, the refresh may be incomplete and the DRAM may fail to retain date. Fast
gives faster performance; and Slow gives more stable performance. This field applies only
when synchronous DRAM is installed in the system.


Thermal Throttling Options

Phoenix – AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility

Thermal Throttling Options

Item Help

CPU Thermal-Throttling Disabled
CPU Throttling Temp 70

CPU Throttling Duty 50%

Menu Level

↑↓→← Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help

F5:Previous Values F6:Optimized Defaults F7:Standard Defaults

3-13 Load Fail-Safe Defaults

Load Fail-Safe Defaults
When you press on this item, you get a confirmation dialog box with a message
similar to:

Load Fail-Safe Defaults (Y/N)? N

Pressing loads the default values that are factory settings for stable performance system

3-14 Load Optimized Defaults

Load Optimized Defaults
When you press on this item, you get a confirmation dialog box with a message
similar to:

Load Optimized Defaults (Y/N)? N

Pressing loads the default values that are factory settings for optimal performance
system operations.

3-15 Password Settings

Phoenix – AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility

Password Settings

Item Help

Set Supervisor Password Press Enter

Set User Password Press Enter

Menu Level >

↑↓→← Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help

F5:Previous Values F6:Optimized Defaults F7:Standard Defaults

You can set either supervisor or user password, or both of them. The differences are:

Supervisor password:

Can enter and change the options of the setup menus.

User password:

Can only enter but do not have the right to change the options of the

setup menus. When you select this function, the following message will appear at the

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