Sony PCWA-A220 User Manual

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The PCWA-C100 Wireless LAN PC Card can handle roaming.
Because the Access Point is for the home, it does not have a roaming function. When there are multiple Access Points, you can sw itch them using the
Wireless Palette.

Is it pos s ible for s e curity prote ction and filte ring of a M AC addre s s ?

No, these are not supported.

Why is the trans fe r inte rrupte d w he n trans fe rring M PEG2 data?

11 Mbps is the logic value of IEEE802.11. The actual rate is thought to be betw een 4 and 5 Mbps.
This occurs w ith products that conform to IEEE802.11b. Accordingly, bandw idth is sometimes insufficient for transferring MPEG2's high rate stream.

Doe s this have a Ne tBIOS filte ring function?

No, it does not.

Can this be us e d to re ce ive te le phone calls ?

No, it cannot.

It is w ritte n that if othe r w ire le s s s tations are ope rating, the re w ill be e le ctric w ave
inte rfe re nce but w hat is anothe r w ire le s s s tation?

Amateur w ireless stations and w ireless LAN products that correspond to IEEE802.11b.
This is not a w ireless station, but if used near a microw ave oven, the baud rate w ill decrease w hen the microw ave oven is used at the same time.

Nothing w as dis playe d w he n I che ck e d the log w ith the Sys log Utility w he n the dialup
conne cte d to the Inte rne t s e rvice provide r via the Acce s s Point.

It is not possible to display anything because it is processing syslog messages w ith the accessory application Wireless Palette.
So, instead, it is possible to check the status display on the Wireless Palette. Check the status of the Wireless Palette that is started up or the
Speed/Status display field in the Wireless Palette details display screen and position your mouse cursor over the telephone icon in the task tray.

Upgrade s e rvice s

With regard to distribution of upgrade modules or upgrade services, w e are considering notification on our Web site.
For details, select VAIO, Wireless LAN, Access Point Firmw are Upgrade, then Manual from the Start menu and see the Upgrade Manual.

I w ant to ins tall tw o Wire le s s LAN PC Cards and us e it as a Wire le s s IP gate w ay.

That is not possible.
The installation of tw o Wireless LAN PC Cards is not supported.

I us e a te le phone e quippe d w ith a door-phone . Can I us e the Acce s s Point w ith
the te le phone line m ode ?

The telephones equipped w ith door-phones or business phone connectors have more pins than normal home phones.
In this case, it is necessary to have installation w ork done. Consult w ith your phone service that installed your telephone.

Is the re a proble m of us ing this on airplane s ?

Never use it on an airplane.
Use can seriously damage flight instruments.
This note is also true for hospitals.

Is it pos s ible to s e t the PCWA-A100 Wire le s s Acce s s Point from the
com pute r that is conne cte d to the Ethe rne t s ide ?

To change the settings of the PCWA-A100 Wireless Access Point, you can perform that only from the computer that is mounted w ith a Wireless LAN PC
For example, w hen using the Access Point Firmw are Upgrade Utility, you can set the Access Point from computer that is connected to the Ethernet side.

Is the re any proble m in us ing a "call catche r" function?

It is possible that the connection to the Internet w ill become cut off w hen a call comes in.
To avoid that, w e recommend that you stop the use of the "call catcher" function.
This is no problem unique to the PCWA-A100. The same thing can be said regarding connecting to the Internet w ith existing computers.

Can it be us e d on the de s k top PC?

Install the PCWA-C100 Wireless LAN PC Card in VAIO series that have a standard equipment slot for PCMCIA cards, such as the PCV-R62, then you can
use the Wireless LAN PC Card to access the Access Point.
Wireless LAN PC Card does not correspond to PCI expansion board adapters. The PCWA-C100 Wireless LAN PC Card does not correspond to USB
connection PC card readers.

Whe n doe s the Ethe rne t LED flas h in orange ?

It w ill flash w hen transmission is not normal such as w hen a collision (convergence) has occurred due to packet saturation or w hen the 10BASE-T
connector on this device has no connections.

Is the re any proble m in us ing it along w ith a calling num be r
dis play s ys te m ?

No, there is no problem.

Is the re a proble m in pick ing up the re ce ive r w he n
com m unicating?

Do not pick up the receiver w hen it is communicating.

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