Setting common parameters, Se tting com m on param e te rs – Sony PCWA-A220 User Manual

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Setting common parameters

Specify the common parameters required for building a w ireless LAN (Local Area Netw ork).
This dialog box includes the follow ing parameters. When you are done, go to

Setting mode-dependent parameters


Channel Number

Select a channel number (1 through 11) from the drop-dow n menu.


Assign a unique channel to each Access Point. If an error occurs due to the close proximity of another w ireless LAN or Access Point, try another

Encryption Key

You may encrypt w ireless communications to protect against unauthorized reception. Enter any five alphanumeric characters to set the Encryption Key.


Write dow n the Encryption Key and keep it in a secure location.

The last five digits of the Access Point ID are set as the initial value for the Encryption Key. We strongly recommend that you change this to
prevent unw arranted use from an outside party.

Closed Wireless System

Check this option to shield the Access Point from computers on other w ireless LANs.

System Administrator Name

Enter the name of your system administrator. You may enter up to 63 alphanumeric characters including symbols.


System Administrator may be left blank.

System Placement Location

Enter a location for your system. You may enter up to 127 alphanumeric characters including symbols.


System Placement Location may be left blank.

Setup Passw ord

You can use the passw ord for setting the Access Point for each Access Point. You can enter a maximum of 31 English characters and symbols (ASCII
characters). "public" is input as the initial value.


We strongly recommend that you change the passw ord to prevent settings changes by an outside party. Make a note of the passw ord to w hich you
change so that you w ill not forget it.

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