Sony PCWA-A220 User Manual
Page 18

DHCP Client ID (Required by some ISPs)
With some cable operators, an identifier called a DHCP Client ID w ill be requested upon IP address acquisition by the client. In these cases, type the ID
specified from the cable operator. You may enter up to 63 alphanumeric characters including symbols.
When you directly connect your computer to a cable modem, enter the DHCP Client ID in the Computer name text box of the Window s Netw ork dialog
Click the DHCP Se rve r Se tup tab.
This dialog box is for specifying functions of the Access Point acting as the DHCP server for the w ireless LAN.
Size of IP Address Pool
Enter the number of IP addresses that the DHCP server holds. This number should be larger than the number of clients (computers) in your w ireless
LAN. Normally, enter the recommended maximum number of clients, 16.
You may specify up to 49 clients. The more clients you specify, how ever, the more the access speed tends to decline.
Lease Time
Enter the valid time period of IP addresses assigned by the DHCP server. You may specify up to 720 minutes.
To save the parameters you have entered the Access Point configuration file on the hard disk, click SAVE CONFIG.
The file may be loaded by clicking LOAD on the "Selection of connection mode and setup of common parameters" dialog box. See
Click NEXT.
A screen appears asking you to confirm the mode you have selected.
The configuration you have made is registered in the Access Point.
If an error message appears, re-enter the correct data.
Whe n the Wire le s s Acce s s Point Se tup - Finis h Scre e n appe ars , w ait about 30 s e conds .
The link test is disabled for 30 seconds after the configuration is uploaded because the Access Point is automatically restarted.
You may start the link test w hen the Pow er indicator on the Access Point turns green.
The link test betw een the Access Point and the client is performed using your new configuration.
Click FINISH w he n the m e s s age "Link e s tablis he d w ith Acce s s Point" is dis playe d.
The Custom Access Point Setup Utility closes.
If an error message is displayed, open the Custom Access Point Setup Utility and check the configuration.
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