Lan mode – Sony PCWA-A220 User Manual
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LAN mode
Cannot conne ct to the Inte rne t
First, connect the ISDN Router and the PCWA-A100 Access Point, then connect the pow er supply.
I cannot com m unicate w ith the Acce s s Point afte r changing to the LAN m ode .
Possibly, acquisition of the IP address failed.
When you set to the LAN mode, the Access Point acts as a bridge betw een the Ethernet and Wireless sides. With this mode, the Access Point stops the
functions of the DHCP server. In other w ords, each client tries to get the IP address from the DHCP server (normally the ISDN Router) other than the
Access Point.
Therefore, if there is nothing connected to the Access Point's 10BASE-T connector (Ethernet connector), and w hen connected to a LAN that does not
have an operational DHCP server, the Wireless client computer w ill not be able to obtain the IP address from the DHCP server.
First, connect the Access Point's 10BASE-T connector to a netw ork on w hich the DHCP server is operating, then connect to the pow er supply.
Confirm that the Access Point has completely started, then perform either of the follow ing to re-acquire the client's IP address.
Se le ct the Acce s s Point to conne ct w ith the Wire le s s Pale tte Tool Box and click the Se le ct button.
Startup the Wireless Palette.
to display the Tool Box, then click the Access Point that you w ant to use.
Click Select, then click OK.
Re s tart your com pute r.
Se t the PC card to s top.
Re m ove the Wire le s s LAN PC Card.
Re -ins tall the Wire le s s LAN PC Card.
Re -acquire the IP addre s s .
Release or acquire the IP address w ith w inipcfg (or ipconfig). Refer
Restart the Wireless Palette.
If you cannot connect to any netw ork on w hich the DHCP server is running, refere
An inappropriate IP addre s s is s e t for the ne tw ork
Take the follow ing steps.
Pre s s the re s e t s w itch locate d on the bottom of the Acce s s Point for approxim ate ly one s e cond.
The Encryption Key w ill be w ithout settings (no encryption) for approximately five minutes and the Access Point Setup Utility passw ord w ill be
unset (w ithout a passw ord). (Softw are Reset mode)
Se t a blank value for the Encryption Ke y box of this Acce s s Point conne ction us ing the Wire le s s Pale tte and click CONNECT.
Connection can sometimes take time.
Startup the Cus tom Acce s s Point Se tup Utility.
Depending on the Softw are Reset mode, the ex-factory passw ord w ill automatically be set to "public". (You can change this passw ord to
something other than "public".)
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