Loading the access point configuration, Loading the acce s s point configuration – Sony PCWA-A220 User Manual

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Loading the Access Point configuration

Select the Access Point you w ant to configure to load its configuration. Make sure your computer can communicate w ith the Access Point using the Wireless
Palette. You may also load the configuration file stored in the hard disk.


Click the Start button on the tas k bar.

The Start menu appears.


From the Start m e nu, s e le ct VAIO, Wire le s s LAN, the n Cus tom Acce s s Point Se tup Utility.

The Custom Access Point Setup Utility appears.


Ve rify that the ID dis playe d in the Acce s s Point ID box is the s am e as the Acce s s Point ID that you w ant to s e t, the n e nte r the pas s w ord
for s e tting the acce s s point in the Pas s w ord box and click SCAN.

The passw ord box contains the initial value "public". The Access Point ID is a six-digit number on the label attached on the bottom of the Access Point unit. If
the Access Point ID displayed is different from the one on the label, enter the correct ID.


If an error message appears, click OK.
Verify the follow ing and repeat step 2.


The Wireless LAN PC Card is inserted in your computer.


The Wireless LAN PC Card driver is installed.


The Access Point is pow ered.


The Access Point ID is the same as the one displayed.


The passw ord is correct.


The Wireless LAN PC Card and the Access Point are placed close enough to communicate w ith each other (w ithin approximately 100 m (330 feet)).


The Wireless Palette displays the communication status to the Access Point.

Forgot your password?

You can check your passw ord using the follow ing steps if it w as changed after you uploaded the settings.


Us e the Explore r to ope n the folde r to w hich the Acce s s Point Se tup Utility w as ins talle d (norm ally it is : C:\Program
File s \Sony\Wire le s s LAN) on the com pute r to w hich the Acce s s Point Se tup Utility w as s e t.


With a te xt e ditor s uch as Note pad, ope n the file of the file nam e calle d "Acce s s Point ID+conf" to w hich you trie d to conne ct.

If the Access Point ID is "22a224", the filename w ill be "22a224conf". The Access Point ID and passw ord are listed in that file. Input the passw ord that you
confirmed into the Access Point Setup Utility startup screen.

How ever, the Encryption Key is not saved. If "-------" is displayed in the Encryption Key item, it means that that Encryption Key has not been changed since
the last time.

Also, you can return the passw ord setting to its original status (unset) by resetting the softw are. Read

Reset mode and Softw are Reset mode

for details on

how to reset the softw are.


You may also click LOAD to load the configuration file from the hard disk. How ever, you must enter the Encryption Key again because it is not saved.

Communication betw een the Access Point and the Wireless LAN PC Card begins and the "Selection of connection mode and setup of common parameters"
dialog box appears. Proceed to

Setting common parameters

and to

Setting mode-dependent parameters


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