Sony PCWA-A220 User Manual
Page 36

In this case, the Access Point functions as a bridge betw een the Wireless side and the Ethernet side. Therefore, it is possible to share files and printers
w ithin the Wireless netw ork as w ell as sharing files and printers betw een the Ethernet and Wireless sides and for the Ethernet and Wireless sides to
access each other.
Whe n the curre nt s e tting is LAN m ode and the ne tw ork to w hich you w ant to s hift is LAN on w hich the DHCP s e rve r is not running.
We strongly recommend that you consult w ith the netw ork administrator of the netw ork to w hich you w ant to shift w hen making these settings.
Change the Acce s s Point conne ction m ode to the Cable M ode m m ode .
Re m ove the Acce s s Point from the ne tw ork you are curre ntly us ing and attach it to the ne tw ork to w hich you w ant to conne ct,
the n conne ct the pow e r and s tart it up.
Confirm that the com pute r that is ins talle d w ith the PCWA-C100 Wire le s s LAN PC Card can be conne cte d to the Acce s s Point.
Start the Cus tom Acce s s Point Se tup Utility on the clie nt com pute r and m ak e ne tw ork s e ttings on the WAN s ide of the Acce s s
The mode can be the cable modem mode as-is.
Select Static IP Address (WAN-side).
Set WAN IP Address and WAN Subnet Mask.
Set Default Router and DNS Server as necessary.
There is no need to change any settings on the LAN side.
In this case, the Access Point functions as a NAT router betw een the Wireless and the Ethernet sides. Therefore, it is possible to share files and the
printers w ithin the Wireless netw ork, but it is not possible to share files and printers betw een the Ethernet and Wireless sides and to access the
Wireless side from the Ethernet side.
Whe n the curre nt s e tting is the Cable M ode m m ode and the ne tw ork to w hich you w ant to s hift is LAN on w hich the DHCP s e rve r is
This can be used as-is if the Access Point settings are the default settings for the Cable Modem mode. In this case, it is possible to share files and
printers w ithin the Wireless netw ork and to access the Ethernet side from the Wireless side. To share files and printers and to access betw een the
Ethernet and Wireless sides, change the Access Point mode to LAN mode.
Whe n the curre nt s e tting is Cable M ode m m ode and the ne tw ork to w hich you w ant to s hift is LAN on w hich the DHCP s e rve r is
not running.
We strongly recommend that you consult w ith the netw ork administrator of the netw ork to w hich you w ant to shift w hen making these settings.
Re m ove the Acce s s Point from the ne tw ork you are curre ntly us ing and attach it to the ne tw ork to w hich you w ant to conne ct,
the n conne ct the pow e r and s tart it up.
Confirm that the com pute r that is ins talle d w ith the Wire le s s LAN PC Card can be conne cte d to the Acce s s Point.
Start the Cus tom Acce s s Point Se tup Utility on the clie nt com pute r and m ak e ne tw ork s e ttings on the WAN s ide of the Acce s s
The mode can be the cable modem mode as-is.
Select Static IP Address (WAN-side).
Set WAN IP Address and WAN Subnet Mask.
Set Default Router and DNS Server as necessary.
There is no need to change any settings on the LAN side.
In this case, the Access Point functions as a NAT router betw een the Wireless and Ethernet sides.
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