Phone mode – Sony PCWA-A220 User Manual

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Phone mode

Whe n I launch m y brow s e r or e -m ail application, the Dial-up Conne ction dialog box appe ars and I cannot conne ct to the Inte rne t.

You need to change the Internet connection settings.
Follow the steps below .

Using Microsoft Internet Explorer


Launch Inte rne t Explore r.


Click Options from the Tools m e nu.

The Internet Options dialog box appears.


Se le ct the Conne ctions tab.


Se le ct Ne ve r dial a conne ction.


Click LAN Se ttings .

The Local Area Netw ork [LAN] Settings dialog box appears.


Se le ct Autom atically de te ct s e ttings unde r Autom atic configuration.


Click OK.

The Local Area Netw ork [LAN] Settings dialog box closes.


Click OK.

The Internet Properties dialog box closes.


Click Re fre s h in the brow s e r w indow .

Using Netscape Communicator


Launch Ne ts cape Com m unicator.


Click Pre fe re nce s from the Edit m e nu.

The Preferences dialog box appears.


Click Advance d.


Click Proxie s , the n s e le ct "Dire ct conne ction to the Inte rne t".


Click OK.

The Preferences dialog box closes.


Click the Re load button in the brow s e r w indow .

Whe n Autom atic Conne ction is s e le cte d, conne ction to the Inte rne t occurs w ithout w arning.

There are cases in w hich your mail softw are program w ill automatically and periodically check your mail, depending on the settings you have made for
your email softw are program. Also, it w ill periodically establish a connection w ith the server for Window s update information.
The settings are for automatic connection and are unintentional. Check your settings, and refer to your mail softw are program's help for more

I cannot conne ct for a s hort pe riod of tim e afte r click ing on the To Dis conne ct button.

The Access Point w ill not receive connection commands for approximately one minute after manually disconnecting it. Please w ait for one minute. This is
also true for other clients that are connected to the Access Point.

The re is no com m unication w ith the Acce s s Point w he n changing from the LAN m ode to the Phone m ode .

With the LAN mode, the Access Point is the DHCP client w ith regard to the ISDN Router. After disconnecting from the ISDN Router (DHCP server),
computers installed w ith the Wireless LAN PC Card try to read the IP address again w hen the IP address lease time has ended. This is because the ISDN
Router (DHCP server) cannot be found and it falls into a state in w hich it cannot acquire the IP address.
Either reset using the Custom Access Point Setup Utility or return the Access Point to the ex-factory status using the

Reset mode

. Then, use the Access

Point Setup Utility to make the settings for the customer's Access Point. You can also use the

Softw are Reset mode

to set the IP address to an

appropriate setting.

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