AMX NetLinx Integrated Controllers NI-3000 User Manual
Page 65

NetLinx Security and Web Server
NetLinx Integrated Controllers
Security tab - Add Group page
The Groups > Add Group link allows an authorized user to add a group account (FIG. 37) and
then assign that group’s current Master access rights.
Security System Features (Cont.)
• Press OK to accept any changes made within this tab and
incorporate the information into the target Master.
• Press Cancel to void any changes made within this tab, disable
the security configuration session, void any changes made to
the Master, and return the user to the empty Security tab.
You must first enable the Master Security selection and then click OK before altering
any settings.
Click OK again after making alterations to any of these features (such as Terminal,
HTTP, and Telnet access) and save these changes to the target Master.
FIG. 37 Security Tab - Add Group
Add Group Entries
Group Name
A valid character string defining the name of the group
(4 - 20 alpha-numeric characters).
• The string is case sensitive and must be unique.
Terminal (RS232) Access
This selection enables or disables Terminal Security Access for
the target group (through the RS232 Program port).
Admin Change Password Access
This selection enables or disables the group’s right to change the
Administrator’s user passwords.
Note: Once the Administrator’s password has been changed, the
default password can no longer be used to gain access.
FTP Access
This selection enables or disables FTP Access for the target
HTTP Access
This selection enables or disables Web Server access for the
target group.
Telnet Access
This selection enables or disables Telnet Security access for the
target group.
Security Config Access
This selection enables or disables the ability of a group to alter
the Security Configuration settings.