Nikon D700 User Manual
Page 402
Calculating Picture Angle
The D700 can be used with Nikon lenses for 35mm (135) format cameras.
If Auto DX crop is on (the default setting) and a 35mm format lens is
attached, the picture angle will be the same as a frame of 35mm film
(36.0 × 23.9 mm); if a DX lens is attached, the picture angle will
automatically be adjusted to 23.5 × 15.6 mm (DX format).
To choose a picture angle different from that of the current lens, turn Auto
DX crop off and select FX format (36 × 24) or DX format (24 × 16). If a
35 mm format lens is attached, the picture angle could be reduced by
1.5 × by selecting DX format (24 × 16), exposing a smaller area.
The DX format (24 × 16) picture angle is about 1.5 times smaller than the
35mm format picture angle. To calculate the focal length of lenses in
35mm format when DX format (24 × 16) is selected, multiply the focal
length of the lens by about 1.5 (for example, the effective focal length of a
50mm lens in 35mm format would be 75 mm when DX format (24 × 16)
is selected).
FX format (36 × 24) picture size (36.0 × 23.9 mm,
equivalent to 35mm format camera)
Picture diagonal
DX format (24 × 16) picture size
(23.5 × 15.6 mm, equivalent to DX
format camera)
Picture angle (FX format (36 × 24);
35mm format)
Picture angle (DX format (24 × 16); DX format)