Test isdn <64k/56k, Dial-in user commands, Add user Page 20
Page 20

test isdn
Description: This command causes a modem call to the specified telephone number. The call is
cleared immediately after a connection is established. This command is only valid when the ISDN port
has been configured and enabled. Please refer to “Set Port” and “Enable Port” commands for details.
Dial-in User Commands
Dial-in user profiles are used by stand-alone remote workstations connecting via a switched
connection through an ISDN line. A user workstation effectively becomes a LAN node for the
duration of its connection. Its ARP information is proxied by the router.
When a switched call is answered, the local profile database is searched for a match with the received
name. If an appropriate profile is not found, the call is rejected. If a profile is found, the information in
the entry is used to authenticate and configure the connection.
⊕add user
(where “profile name” is a string <= 30 chars)
Description: This command configures an entry in the local profile database. The users added with
this command might be single workstations dialing in through the ISDN line. The following examples
illustrate the dialog that ensues and the items of information that the router needs for these profiles:
Example 1:
Add the following Single Workstation dialing into a router using the CLI Express Mode (you can
toggle between Express Mode and Advanced Mode by using the Ctrl-E key combination)
Router> add user u1
Add new user profile "u1" ...
user name (Unspecified): user1
user password (Unspecified): ***
password confirm (***): ***
The Express method of configuring a dial-in user will use the following defaults:
10. PPP Authentication: Either CHAP or PAP
11. Multilink: No
12. Callback: No
13. Caller ID Authentication: No
14. IP Enabled
15. IP RIP Disabled
16. No Compression
17. Default Idle Timeout (model-dependent)
Example 2: