Appendix a. windsonic orientation, A.1 determining true north and sensor orientation – Campbell Scientific WINDSONIC 2-D Sonic Wind Sensors User Manual

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Appendix A. WindSonic Orientation

A.1 Determining True North and Sensor Orientation

The orientation of the WindSonic “North Arrow Markers” is found by reading
a magnetic compass and applying the site-specific correction for magnetic
declination; where the magnetic declination is the number of degrees between
True North and Magnetic North. Magnetic declination for a specific site can
be obtained from a USGS map, local airport, or through a NOAA web
calculator (Section A.2). A general map showing magnetic declination for the
Conterminous United States in 2004 is shown in FIGURE A-1.

FIGURE A-1. Magnetic declination for the conterminous United States

