Campbell Scientific Sentek EasyAG Installation Guide v 3.0 User Manual

Page 21

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Installing EasyAG 50 probes

Copyright © 1991 – 2003 Sent ek Pt y Lt d All rights reserved

Page 18

6. Insert


soil sampler polyguide. The stabilization plate is now ready for insertion of the AMS soil


Step 3: Preparing the hole

1. Insert


AMS soil sampler and force downward in a single smooth action by hand until the

resistance becomes too great.

2. Using


sledgehammer, beat the AMS soil sampler into the ground until the bottom of the beating

head sits 25 cm above the stabilization plate. Note: While it is preferable to go all the way in one
insertion, successful installation may be possible in heavier soils with 2 insertions. Ensure accurate
blows are made such that lateral deflection of the soil sampler is minimized.


Do not compress the soil such that normal water infiltration is inhibited

25 cm