15 excel spreadsheets, Excel spreadsheets – Campbell Scientific OBS-5+ Sediment Concentration Monitor and Pressure Sensor User Manual

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OBS-5+ System

2) Click

Open and select a file to view.

Print will print a graph

when Open As Plot is selected. To print a text file, select Open As Text,
and use the Word Pad file print functions. For spreadsheet operations, see

the next section. The

Plot and Port Settings is used for setting up

your plot looks.

3) Use the Min and Max and Sample Range (End and Start) values to

bracket the data you need on the graph. Plot Width allows the graph to be
sized to fit a PC screen. On the depth plot, select Max = 0 and Min = the
maximum depth to display depth increasing downward.

6.2.15 Excel Spreadsheets

To make an Excel spreadsheet from OBS-5+ data, start Excel and set file type
to All. Open a data file and select Delimited in Step 1 of 3 of the Text Import
Wizard. Click Next > and select the delimiter Space; check Treat consecutive
delimiters as one
; and {none} for Text qualifier. In Step 3 of 3, select the
General Column data format and click Finish.